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This R package generates the standard design-based indices of biomass, abundance, size composition, and age composition from NOAA-NMFS-AFSC-RACE-GAP bottom trawl survey data. Survey regions include: Gulf of Alaska (from 1993), Aleutian Islands (from 1991), Eastern Bering Sea Shelf (from 1982), Eastern Bering Sea Slope (from 2002), and Northern Bering Sea Shelf (from 2010).

Installation Instructions

Make sure you have installed R packages devtools, RODBC, and getPass and are connected to the AFSC network or VPN while using this package.



The gapindex R package is a product of two AFSC-RACE-GAP working groups regarding GAP data processes and index computation. Many thanks to those who participated in those working groups:

Data Processes Working Group Index Computation Working Group Supervisors
Alexandra Dowlin (AlexandraDowlin-NOAA) Zack Oyafuso (zoyafuso-NOAA)* Stan Kotwicki (StanKotwicki-NOAA)
Emily Markowitz (EmilyMarkowitz-NOAA) Margaret Siple (MargaretSiple-NOAA) Duane Stevenson (Duane-Stevenson-NOAA)
Liz Dawson (liz-dawson-NOAA) Rebecca Haehn (RebeccaHaehn-NOAA) Ned Laman (Ned-Laman-NOAA)
Sarah Friedman (SarahFriedman-NOAA) Lukas DeFilippo (Lukas-DeFilippo-NOAA)
Christopher Anderson (ChrisAnderson-NOAA) Paul von Szalay (vszalay)
Nancy Roberson (NancyRoberson) Thaddaeus Buser (ThaddaeusBuser-NOAA)
*package maintainer


Here is an non-exhaustive list of people who provided the foundation for many of the functions in this package:

AI-GOA: Michael Martin, Peter Munro, Ned Laman

Bering Sea: REM, Jason Conner, Jerry Hoff, Rebecca Haehn

Many of the index calculations are from Wakabayashi et al. (1985):

Wakabayashi, K., R. G. Bakkala, and M. S. Alton. 1985. Methods of the U.S.-Japan demersal trawl surveys, p. 7-29. In R. G. Bakkala and K. Wakabayashi (editors), Results of cooperative U.S.-Japan groundfish investigations in the Bering Sea during May-August 1979. Int. North Pac. Fish. Comm. Bull. 44.


NOAA: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NMFS: National Marine Fisheries Service

AFSC: Alaska Fisheries Science Center

RACE: Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division

GAP: Groundfish Assessment Program

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