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Calculates empircal probability of age at length from collected otolith data.


calc_alk(racebase_tables = NULL, unsex = c("all", "unsex")[2], global = TRUE)



data object created from gapindex::get_data().


string, option to determine how unsexed individuals are treated. Option "all" means that unsexed alks are determined by combining all sexes (males, females, and unsexed) and is the option used for standard design-based composition production. Option "unsex" means that unsexed alk are only determined by unsexed individuals and is the option used for creating data inputs for model-based age composition indices. Defaults to "unsex"


boolean. Should missing length bins be filled by using an alk consisting of all years? Defaults to TRUE.


dataframe of probabilities ("AGE_FRAC") of ages ("AGE") by length (LENGTH_MM) for a given survey ("SURVEY"), year ("YEAR"), species (SPECIES_CODE), and sex (SEX).