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Calculate region-level age composition and mean/ length at age


calc_agecomp_region(racebase_tables, age_comps_stratum)



data object created from `gapindex::get_data()``


a named list of stratum age comps and numbers by survey/year/stratum/sex/length, a result object from gapindex::calc_agecomp_stratum().


dataframe of age composition and mean/standard deviation of length at age aggregated across regions.

YEARYear the survey was conducted in.
AGEAge bin of a taxon in years estimated by the age comp estimate.
AREA_IDArea ID code for each statistical area used to produce production estimates (e.g., biomass, population, age comps, length comps). Each area ID is unique within each survey.
LENGTH_MM_MEANMean length estimated in age comp estimate.
LENGTH_MM_SDVariance of mean length estimated in age comp estimate.
POPULATION_COUNTThe estimated population caught in the survey for a species, group, or total for a given survey.
SEXSex of a specimen where "1" = "Male", "2" = "Female", "3" = Unsexed.
SPECIES_CODEThe species code of the organism associated with the 'common_name' and 'scientific_name' columns. For a complete species list, review the code books.
SURVEYName and description of survey. The column 'survey' is associated with the 'srvy' and 'survey_id' columns.
SURVEY_DEFINITION_IDThis number uniquely identifies a survey. Name and description of survey. The column 'survey_id' is associated with the 'srvy' and 'survey' columns. For a complete list of surveys, review the code books.