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This function zero-fills the catch data and converts numbers and weights to CPUE.


calc_cpue(racebase_tables = NULL)



data object created from gapindex::get_data()


YEARYear the survey was conducted in.
CRUISEThis is a six-digit number identifying the cruise number of the form: YYYY99 (where YYYY = year of the cruise; 99 = 2-digit number and is sequential; 01 denotes the first cruise that vessel made in this year, 02 is the second, etc.).
CRUISEJOINThis is a unique numeric identifier assigned to each survey, vessel, and year combination.
DESIGN_YEARThe year the survey area stratum (e.g., statistical stratum, summary area, region) was implimented in.
HAULJOINThis is a unique numeric identifier assigned to each (vessel, cruise, and haul) combination.
LATITUDE_DD_ENDLatitude (one hundred thousandth of a decimal degree) of the end of the haul.
LATITUDE_DD_STARTLatitude (one hundred thousandth of a decimal degree) of the start of the haul.
LONGITUDE_DD_ENDLongitude (one hundred thousandth of a decimal degree) of the end of the haul.
LONGITUDE_DD_STARTLongitude (one hundred thousandth of a decimal degree) of the start of the haul.
STRATUMRACE database statistical area for analyzing data. Strata were designed using bathymetry and other geographic and habitat-related elements. The strata are unique to each survey series. Stratum of value 0 indicates experimental tows.
SURVEYName and description of survey. The column 'survey' is associated with the 'srvy' and 'survey_id' columns.
SURVEY_DEFINITION_IDThis number uniquely identifies a survey. Name and description of survey. The column 'survey_id' is associated with the 'srvy' and 'survey' columns. For a complete list of surveys, review the code books.