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In the event that the MARPORT server GPS fails or is incomplete, "convert_log_gps()" converts GLOBE LOG files into a format that can be uploaded into WHEELHOUSE. To get a .log file that is usable in this function, 1) Go the C:\ globe\ logs\ 2018\ directory and choose GLG file with proper date 2) Use GLOBE Files>Logs> to convert .GLG (binary) to a .LOG (.csv) file 3) convert_log_gps()will prompt you for Vessel code, Cruise no., Haul no. and Date 4) The final prompt will ask for the location of the GLOBE LOG file 5) convert_log_gps()will create csv file in the R directory with filename "new.gps" 6) Rename "new.gps" to HAULXXXX.GPS where XXXX is the haul number 7) Upload HAULXXXX.GPS into WHEELHOUSE 8) NOTE: The raw GLOBE log data are in GMT time (-8 hrs or 4PM AKDT prior day to 4PM current day. Hence if haul with missing GPS spans the 4PM hour (e.g.,3:45-4:30 PM),YOU WILL HAVE TO CONVERT TWO GLG files (current day and next day)and run convert_log_gps()twice & manually combine the two GPS files 9) ALSO NOTE: You may have to shut down GLOBE or wait until after 4pm on following day before all the incoming NMEA data are written to the GLG file.


  HAUL = NA,
  DATE = NA,
  path_out = "./",
  filename_add = ""



Optional. Default = NA. The vessel number (e.g., 94). If NA or not called in the function, a prompt will appear asking for this data.


Optional. Default = NA. The cruise number, which is usually the year date (e.g., 201901). If NA or not called in the function, a prompt will appear asking for this data.


Optional. Default = NA. The haul number, aka the iterative number of this haul (e.g., 3). If NA or not called in the function, a prompt will appear asking for this data.


Optional. Default = NA. The date in MM/DD/YYYY format (e.g., "06/02/2019"). If NA or not called in the function, a prompt will appear asking for this data.


Optional. Default = "./., or the local working directory but any path (as a string) may be entered.


Optional. The default is the local working directory but may be specified with a string.


Optional. Default = "new". This string will be added to the name of the outputted file. Here, you can additional information that may make this file helpful to find later.


A .GPS file to the path_out directory.


Now that you have a .log file, you can RUN the function by putting your cursor on the "convert_log_gps()" line below & press CTRL+R.


  package = "GAPsurvey"))[1:5] # input file
#> Warning: incomplete final line found on 'C:/Users/sean.rohan/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpWSLcfB/temp_libpath15cc58f34baf/GAPsurvey/exdata/convert_log_gps/06062017.log'
#> [1] "$GPRMC,235958.000,A,5814.4411,N,15934.8091,W,9.45,11.19,050617,,,D*4E"        
#> [2] "$SDDBS,76.71,f,23.38,M,12.79,F"                                               
#> [3] "$GPGGA,235959.000,5814.4436,N,15934.8081,W,2,08,1.1,10.9,M,16.2,M,2.0,0000*53"
#> [4] "$GPGSA,M,3,25,29,02,31,12,06,14,51,,,,,1.8,1.1,1.4*3A"                        
#> [5] "$SDDBS,76.79,f,23.41,M,12.80,F"                                               
    VESSEL = 94,
    CRUISE = 201901,
    HAUL = 3,
    DATE = "06/06/2017",
    path_in = system.file("exdata/convert_log_gps/06062017.log",
        package = "GAPsurvey"),
    path_out = getwd(),
    filename_add = "newlog")
#> Your new .gps files are saved to C:/Users/sean.rohan/Work/afsc/package_testing/GAPsurvey/docs/reference/HAUL0003_newlog.gps
  package = "GAPsurvey"))[1:5] # output file
#> [1] "94,201901,3,06/06/2017 15:59:58,5814.4411,-15934.8091"
#> [2] "94,201901,3,06/06/2017 15:59:59,5814.4436,-15934.8081"
#> [3] "94,201901,3,06/06/2017 16:00:00,5814.4462,-15934.8071"
#> [4] "94,201901,3,06/06/2017 16:00:01,5814.4487,-15934.8061"
#> [5] "94,201901,3,06/06/2017 16:00:02,5814.4513,-15934.8052"

  package = "GAPsurvey"))[1:5] # input file
#> Warning: file("") only supports open = "w+" and open = "w+b": using the former
#> [1] NA NA NA NA NA
    VESSEL = 94,
    CRUISE = 202101,
    HAUL = 37,
    DATE = "06/07/2021",
    path_in = system.file("exdata/convert_log_gps/Haul0037.log",
        package = "GAPsurvey"),
    path_out = getwd(),
    filename_add = "newlog")
#> Your new .gps files are saved to C:/Users/sean.rohan/Work/afsc/package_testing/GAPsurvey/docs/reference/HAUL0037_newlog.gps
  package = "GAPsurvey"))[1:5] # output file
#> [1] "94,202101,37,06/07/2021 08:04:00,5737.6868,-16401.4024"
#> [2] "94,202101,37,06/07/2021 08:04:01,5737.6842,-16401.4038"
#> [3] "94,202101,37,06/07/2021 08:04:02,5737.6816,-16401.4046"
#> [4] "94,202101,37,06/07/2021 08:04:03,5737.6792,-16401.4044"
#> [5] "94,202101,37,06/07/2021 08:04:04,5737.6767,-16401.4038"