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Calculate index of total biomass per stratum


  gapdata = NULL,
  racebase_tables = lifecycle::deprecated(),
  cpue = NULL



data object created from gapindex::get_data()


[Deprecated] Use the gapdata argument instead.


object created from gapindex::calc_cpue().


N_COUNTTotal number of hauls with positive count data.
N_HAULTotal number of hauls.
N_LENGTHTotal number of hauls with length data.
N_WEIGHTTotal number of hauls with positive catch biomass.
POPULATION_COUNTThe estimated population caught in the survey for a species, group, or total for a given survey.
POPULATION_VARThe estimated population variance caught in the survey for a species, group, or total for a given survey.
SPECIES_CODEThe species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books.
STRATUMRACE database statistical area for analyzing data. Strata were designed using bathymetry and other geographic and habitat-related elements. The strata are unique to each survey region. Stratum of value 0 indicates experimental tows.
SURVEYName and description of survey. The column survey is associated with the srvy and survey_definition_id columns.
SURVEY_DEFINITION_IDThe survey definition ID key code is an integer that uniquely identifies a survey region/survey design. The column survey_definition_id is associated with the srvy and survey columns. Full list of survey definition IDs are in RACE_DATA.SURVEY_DEFINITIONS and in the code books.
YEARYear the observation (survey) was collected.
BIOMASS_MTThe estimated total biomass.
BIOMASS_VARThe estimated variance associated with the total biomass.
CPUE_KGKM2_MEANThe mean catch weight (kilograms) per unit effort (area swept by the net, units squared kilometers).
CPUE_KGKM2_VARThe variance of mean catch weight (kilograms) per unit effort (area swept by the net, units squared kilometers).
CPUE_NOKM2_MEANThe mean of numerical catch per unit effort (area swept by the net, units square kilometers).
CPUE_NOKM2_VARThe variance of mean numerical catch per unit effort (area swept by the net, units square kilometers).