Data description
AKFIN Answers is an Oracle BI tool used for distributing data to stock assessors and other users. Usernames and passwords are distinct from direct AKFIN database credentials.
Data tables
Mirror of GAP_PRODUCTS.AGECOMP. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.
Number of rows: 683,178
Number of columns: 10
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID | Survey ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The survey definition ID key code is an integer that uniquely identifies a survey region/survey design. The column survey_definition_id is associated with the srvy and survey columns. Full list of survey definition IDs are in RACE_DATA.SURVEY_DEFINITIONS and in the code books. |
YEAR | Survey year | year | NUMBER(10,0) | Year the observation (survey) was collected. |
AREA_ID | Area ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Area ID key code for each statistical area used to produce production estimates (e.g., biomass, population, age comps, length comps). Each area ID is unique within each survey. |
SPECIES_CODE | Taxon code | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books. |
SEX | Sex of a specimen | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Sex of a specimen where “1” = “Male”, “2” = “Female”, “3” = Unsexed. |
AGE | Taxon age bin (yrs) | integer | NUMBER(38,0) | Age bin of taxon. Age bin of a taxon in years estimated by the age comp estimate. Age -9 indicates unaged lengths for a particular sex because no otoliths were collected for that sex/length combination. Age -99 indicates a case where no lengths were collected within a stratum for a species/year even though catch numbers were recorded. |
POPULATION_COUNT | Estimated population | numeric | NUMBER(38,0) | The estimated population caught in the survey for a species, group, or total for a given survey. |
LENGTH_MM_MEAN | Mean length at age weighted by numbers at length | numeric | NUMBER(38,3) | Mean length (millimeters) |
LENGTH_MM_SD | Standard deviation of length at age weighted by numbers at length | numeric | NUMBER(38,3) | Variance of mean length. |
AREA_ID_FOOTPRINT | Survey Footprint | text | VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) | Survey footprint, usually equivalent to the SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID with the exception of the Standard and Standard +NW survey footprints in the Eastern Bering Sea shelf bottom trawl survey |
Mirror of GAP_PRODUCTS.AREA. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.
Number of rows: 395
Number of columns: 9
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
DESIGN_YEAR | Design year | year | NUMBER(10,0) | Year ID associated with a given value AREA_ID. This field describes the changes in the survey design over time. |
SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID | Survey ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The survey definition ID key code is an integer that uniquely identifies a survey region/survey design. The column survey_definition_id is associated with the srvy and survey columns. Full list of survey definition IDs are in RACE_DATA.SURVEY_DEFINITIONS and in the code books. |
AREA_ID | Area ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Area ID key code for each statistical area used to produce production estimates (e.g., biomass, population, age comps, length comps). Each area ID is unique within each survey. |
AREA_TYPE | Area ID type description | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | The type of stratum that AREA_ID represents. Types include: STRATUM (the smallest building-block unit of area in these surveys), REGION, DEPTH, SUBAREA, INPFC BY DEPTH, INPFC, SUBAREA BY DEPTH, REGULATORY AREA, NMFS STATISTICAL AREA. |
AREA_NAME | Area ID name | text | VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) | Descriptive name of each AREA_ID. These names often identify the region, depth ranges, or other regional information for the area ID. |
DESCRIPTION | Description | text | VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) | Description of row observation. |
AREA_KM2 | Area (km2) | kilometers squared | NUMBER(38,3) | Area in square kilometers. |
DEPTH_MIN_M | Area ID minimum depth (m) | meters | NUMBER(38,3) | Minimum depth (meters). |
DEPTH_MAX_M | Area ID maximum depth (m) | meters | NUMBER(38,3) | Maximum depth (meters). |
Mirror of GAP_PRODUCTS.BIOMASS. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.
Number of rows: 2,623,956
Number of columns: 16
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
CPUE_KGKM2_MEAN | Mean weight CPUE | kilograms per kilometers squared | NUMBER(38,6) | The mean catch weight (kilograms) per unit effort (area swept by the net, units squared kilometers). |
CPUE_NOKM2_MEAN | Mean numeric CPUE | count per kilometers squared | NUMBER(38,6) | The mean of numerical catch per unit effort (area swept by the net, units square kilometers). |
N_HAUL | Valid hauls | count | NUMBER(38,0) | Total number of hauls. |
N_WEIGHT | Hauls with catch | count | NUMBER(38,0) | Total number of hauls with positive catch biomass. |
N_COUNT | Hauls with taxon counts | numeric | NUMBER(38,0) | Total number of hauls with positive count data. |
N_LENGTH | Hauls with taxon lengths | count | NUMBER(38,0) | Total number of hauls with length data. |
BIOMASS_MT | Estimated biomass | numeric | NUMBER(38,6) | The estimated total biomass. |
BIOMASS_VAR | Estimated biomass variance | numeric | NUMBER(38,6) | The estimated variance associated with the total biomass. |
POPULATION_COUNT | Estimated population | numeric | NUMBER(38,0) | The estimated population caught in the survey for a species, group, or total for a given survey. |
POPULATION_VAR | Estimated population variance | numeric | NUMBER(38,6) | The estimated population variance caught in the survey for a species, group, or total for a given survey. |
CPUE_KGKM2_VAR | Variance of the mean weight CPUE | kilograms per kilometers squared | NUMBER(38,6) | The variance of mean catch weight (kilograms) per unit effort (area swept by the net, units squared kilometers). |
CPUE_NOKM2_VAR | Variance of the mean numeric CPUE | count per kilometers squared | NUMBER(38,6) | The variance of mean numerical catch per unit effort (area swept by the net, units square kilometers). |
SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID | Survey ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The survey definition ID key code is an integer that uniquely identifies a survey region/survey design. The column survey_definition_id is associated with the srvy and survey columns. Full list of survey definition IDs are in RACE_DATA.SURVEY_DEFINITIONS and in the code books. |
YEAR | Survey year | year | NUMBER(10,0) | Year the observation (survey) was collected. |
SPECIES_CODE | Taxon code | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books. |
AREA_ID | Area ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Area ID key code for each statistical area used to produce production estimates (e.g., biomass, population, age comps, length comps). Each area ID is unique within each survey. |
Non-zero catch records from RACEBASE.CATCH subsetted for standard GAP bottom trawl stations (i.e., HAULJOIN values associated with ABUNDANCE_HAUL = Y in RACEBASE.HAUL). This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.
Number of rows: 973,538
Number of columns: 6
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
CRUISEJOIN | Cruise ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Unique integer ID assigned to each survey, vessel, and year combination. |
HAULJOIN | Haul ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | This is a unique numeric identifier assigned to each (vessel, cruise, and haul) combination. |
CATCHJOIN | Catch observation ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Unique integer ID assigned to each survey, vessel, year, and catch observation combination. |
SPECIES_CODE | Taxon code | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books. |
WEIGHT_KG | Sample or taxon weight (kg) | kilograms | NUMBER(38,3) | Weight (thousandths of a kilogram) of individuals in a haul by taxon. |
COUNT | Taxon count | count, whole number resolution | NUMBER(38,0) | Total whole number of individuals caught in haul or samples collected. |
Mirror of GAP_PRODUCTS.CPUE. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.
Number of rows: 21,558,257
Number of columns: 7
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
HAULJOIN | Haul ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | This is a unique numeric identifier assigned to each (vessel, cruise, and haul) combination. |
SPECIES_CODE | Taxon code | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books. |
WEIGHT_KG | Sample or taxon weight (kg) | kilograms | NUMBER(38,3) | Weight (thousandths of a kilogram) of individuals in a haul by taxon. |
COUNT | Taxon count | count, whole number resolution | NUMBER(38,0) | Total whole number of individuals caught in haul or samples collected. |
AREA_SWEPT_KM2 | Area swept (km) | kilometers | NUMBER(38,6) | The area the net covered while the net was fishing (kilometers squared), defined as the distance fished times the net width. |
CPUE_KGKM2 | Weight CPUE (kg/km2) | kilograms per kilometers squared | NUMBER(38,6) | Catch weight (kilograms) per unit effort (area swept by the net, units square kilometers). |
CPUE_NOKM2 | Number CPUE (no/km2) | count per kilometers squared | NUMBER(38,6) | Numerical catch per unit effort (area swept by the net, units square kilometers). |
Cruise data for the five standard GAP bottom trawl regions. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.
Number of rows: 174
Number of columns: 10
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
CRUISEJOIN | Cruise ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Unique integer ID assigned to each survey, vessel, and year combination. |
CRUISE | Cruise Name | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | This is a six-digit integer identifying the cruise number of the form: YYYY99 (where YYYY = year of the cruise; 99 = 2-digit number and is sequential; 01 denotes the first cruise that vessel made in this year, 02 is the second, etc.). |
YEAR | Survey year | year | NUMBER(10,0) | Year the observation (survey) was collected. |
SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID | Survey ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The survey definition ID key code is an integer that uniquely identifies a survey region/survey design. The column survey_definition_id is associated with the srvy and survey columns. Full list of survey definition IDs are in RACE_DATA.SURVEY_DEFINITIONS and in the code books. |
SURVEY_NAME | Survey name official | text | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Long name of the survey conducted |
VESSEL_ID | Vessel ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | ID number of the vessel used to collect data for that haul. The column vessel_id is associated with the vessel_name column. Note that it is possible for a vessel to have a new name but the same vessel id number. For a complete list of vessel ID key codes, review the code books. |
VESSEL_NAME | Vessel name | text | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Name of the vessel used to collect data for that haul. The column vessel_name is associated with the vessel_id column. Note that it is possible for a vessel to have a new name but the same vessel id number. For a complete list of vessel ID key codes, review the code books. |
DATE_START | Start date | YYYY-MM-DD | DATE | The date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the beginning of the event (e.g., cruise). |
DATE_END | End date | YYYY-MM-DD | DATE | The date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the end of the event (e.g., cruise). |
Standard GAP bottom trawl haul (station) data. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.
Number of rows: 34,263
Number of columns: 25
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
CRUISEJOIN | Cruise ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Unique integer ID assigned to each survey, vessel, and year combination. |
HAULJOIN | Haul ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | This is a unique numeric identifier assigned to each (vessel, cruise, and haul) combination. |
HAUL | Haul number | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | This number uniquely identifies a sampling event (haul) within a cruise. It is a sequential number, in chronological order of occurrence. |
HAUL_TYPE | Haul sampling type | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Type of haul sampling method. For a complete list of haul type ID key codes, review the code books. |
PERFORMANCE | Haul performance code | category | NUMBER(38,0) | This denotes what, if any, issues arose during the haul. For more information, review the code books. |
DATE_TIME_START | Start date and time | MM/DD/YYYY HH::MM | TIMESTAMP | The date (MM/DD/YYYY) and time (HH:MM) of the beginning of the haul. All dates and times are in Alaska time (AKDT) of Anchorage, AK, USA (UTC/GMT -8 hours). |
DURATION_HR | Tow duration (decimal hr) | hours | NUMBER(38,1) | This is the elapsed time between start and end of a haul (decimal hours). |
DISTANCE_FISHED_KM | Distance fished (km) | kilometers | NUMBER(38,3) | Distance the net fished (kilometers). |
NET_WIDTH_M | Net width (m) | meters | NUMBER(38,1) | Measured or estimated distance (meters) between wingtips of the trawl. |
NET_MEASURED | Net measured during haul | logical | BINARY_DOUBLE | Logical, describing if the net was measured (TRUE) or not (FALSE) by wheelhouse and marport programs during the haul. |
NET_HEIGHT_M | Net height (m) | meters | NUMBER(38,1) | Measured or estimated distance (meters) between footrope and headrope of the trawl. |
STRATUM | Stratum ID | ID key code | NUMBER(10,0) | RACE database statistical area for analyzing data. Strata were designed using bathymetry and other geographic and habitat-related elements. The strata are unique to each survey region. Stratum of value 0 indicates experimental tows. |
LATITUDE_DD_START | Start latitude (decimal degrees) | decimal degrees | NUMBER(38,6) | Latitude (one hundred thousandth of a decimal degree) of the start of the haul. |
LATITUDE_DD_END | End latitude (decimal degrees) | decimal degrees | NUMBER(38,6) | Latitude (one hundred thousandth of a decimal degree) of the end of the haul. |
LONGITUDE_DD_START | Start longitude (decimal degrees) | decimal degrees | NUMBER(38,6) | Longitude (one hundred thousandth of a decimal degree) of the start of the haul. |
LONGITUDE_DD_END | End longitude (decimal degrees) | decimal degrees | NUMBER(38,6) | Longitude (one hundred thousandth of a decimal degree) of the end of the haul. |
STATION | Station ID | ID key code | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Alpha-numeric designation for the station established in the design of a survey. |
DEPTH_GEAR_M | Depth of gear (m) | degrees Celsius | NUMBER(38,1) | Depth of gear (meters). |
DEPTH_M | Depth (m) | degrees Celsius | NUMBER(38,1) | Bottom depth (meters). |
BOTTOM_TYPE | Seafloor bottom type code | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Bottom type on sea floor at haul location. For a complete list of bottom type ID key codes, review the code books. |
SURFACE_TEMPERATURE_C | Surface temperature (degrees Celsius) | degrees Celsius | NUMBER(38,1) | Surface temperature (tenths of a degree Celsius); NA indicates removed or missing values. |
GEAR_TEMPERATURE_C | Gear temperature (degrees Celsius) | degrees Celsius | NUMBER(38,1) | Temperature recorded by net gear (tenths of a degree Celsius); NA indicates removed or missing values. |
WIRE_LENGTH_M | Trawl wire length | meters | NUMBER(38,0) | Length of wire deployed during a given haul in meters. |
GEAR | Type of gear used on the net | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Type of gear used on net. For a complete list of gear ID key codes, review the code books. |
ACCESSORIES | Type of gear accessories used on the net | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Type of accessories used on net. For a complete list of accessories ID key codes, review the code books. |
Length data subsetted for standard GAP bottom trawl stations (i.e., HAULJOIN values associated with ABUNDANCE_HAUL = Y in RACEBASE.HAUL). This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.
Number of rows: 4,456,380
Number of columns: 7
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
HAULJOIN | Haul ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | This is a unique numeric identifier assigned to each (vessel, cruise, and haul) combination. |
SPECIES_CODE | Taxon code | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books. |
SEX | Sex of a specimen | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Sex of a specimen where “1” = “Male”, “2” = “Female”, “3” = Unsexed. |
FREQUENCY | Count of observation | count | NUMBER(38,0) | Frequency, or count, of an observation. |
LENGTH_MM | Length of a specimen | millimeters | NUMBER(10,0) | Length bin in millimeters. A length of -9 indicates cases where no lengths were collected within a stratum for a species/year, even though catch numbers were recorded. |
LENGTH_TYPE | Length type | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | How the taxon was measured (e.g., fork length, carapace width). For a complete list of length_type ID key codes, review the code books. |
SAMPLE_TYPE | Sample type | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Sampling information on how the taxon was sampled. For a complete list of length_type ID key codes, review the code books. |
snapshot table for snapshot GAP_PRODUCTS.AKFIN_METADATA_COLUMN
Number of rows: 172
Number of columns: 5
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
METADATA_COLNAME | Column name | text | VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) | Name of the column in a table. |
METADATA_COLNAME_LONG | Column name spelled out | text | VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) | Long name for the column. |
METADATA_UNITS | Units | category | VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) | Units of the column. |
METADATA_DATATYPE | Oracle datatype code | text | VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) | Oracle data type of data column. |
METADATA_COLNAME_DESC | Column description | text | VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) | Description of the column. |
Mirror of GAP_PRODUCTS.SIZECOMP. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.
Number of rows: 3,284,629
Number of columns: 7
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
YEAR | Survey year | year | NUMBER(10,0) | Year the observation (survey) was collected. |
AREA_ID | Area ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Area ID key code for each statistical area used to produce production estimates (e.g., biomass, population, age comps, length comps). Each area ID is unique within each survey. |
SPECIES_CODE | Taxon code | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books. |
LENGTH_MM | Length of a specimen | millimeters | NUMBER(10,0) | Length bin in millimeters. A length of -9 indicates cases where no lengths were collected within a stratum for a species/year, even though catch numbers were recorded. |
SEX | Sex of a specimen | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Sex of a specimen where “1” = “Male”, “2” = “Female”, “3” = Unsexed. |
POPULATION_COUNT | Estimated population | numeric | NUMBER(38,0) | The estimated population caught in the survey for a species, group, or total for a given survey. |
SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID | Survey ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The survey definition ID key code is an integer that uniquely identifies a survey region/survey design. The column survey_definition_id is associated with the srvy and survey columns. Full list of survey definition IDs are in RACE_DATA.SURVEY_DEFINITIONS and in the code books. |
Specimen data subsetted for standard GAP bottom trawl stations (i.e., HAULJOIN values associated with ABUNDANCE_HAUL = Y in RACEBASE.HAUL). This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.
Number of rows: 589,317
Number of columns: 12
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
HAULJOIN | Haul ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | This is a unique numeric identifier assigned to each (vessel, cruise, and haul) combination. |
SPECIMEN_ID | Specimen unique ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Each individual examined must have a number assigned to it that is unique within each haul (0001 to 9999), though specimen numbers may be repeated between hauls |
SPECIES_CODE | Taxon code | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books. |
LENGTH_MM | Length of a specimen | millimeters | NUMBER(10,0) | Length bin in millimeters. A length of -9 indicates cases where no lengths were collected within a stratum for a species/year, even though catch numbers were recorded. |
SEX | Sex of a specimen | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Sex of a specimen where “1” = “Male”, “2” = “Female”, “3” = Unsexed. |
WEIGHT_G | Specimen weight (g) | grams | NUMBER(38,1) | Weight of specimen (grams). |
AGE | Taxon age bin (yrs) | integer | NUMBER(38,0) | Age bin of taxon. Age bin of a taxon in years estimated by the age comp estimate. Age -9 indicates unaged lengths for a particular sex because no otoliths were collected for that sex/length combination. Age -99 indicates a case where no lengths were collected within a stratum for a species/year even though catch numbers were recorded. |
MATURITY | Specimen maturity code | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The maturity code or the condition identified by the maturity code. |
GONAD_G | Weight of gonads (g) | grams | NUMBER(38,1) | Weight of specimen gonads (grams). |
SPECIMEN_SUBSAMPLE_METHOD | Specimen subsample method | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | For a complete list of specimen subsample method ID key codes, review the code books. |
SPECIMEN_SAMPLE_TYPE | Specimen sample type | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The specimen sample type ID key code as defined in the RACE_DATA.SPECIMEN_SAMPLE_TYPES table. For a complete list of Specimen sample type ID key codes, review the code books. |
AGE_DETERMINATION_METHOD | Aging method | ID key code | NUMBER(10,0) | Numeric code corresponding to the method of age determination. For a complete list of age determination codes, review the code books. |
Mirror of GAP_PRODUCTS.STRATUM_GROUPS. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.
Number of rows: 768
Number of columns: 4
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
AREA_ID | Area ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Area ID key code for each statistical area used to produce production estimates (e.g., biomass, population, age comps, length comps). Each area ID is unique within each survey. |
SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID | Survey ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The survey definition ID key code is an integer that uniquely identifies a survey region/survey design. The column survey_definition_id is associated with the srvy and survey columns. Full list of survey definition IDs are in RACE_DATA.SURVEY_DEFINITIONS and in the code books. |
DESIGN_YEAR | Design year | year | NUMBER(10,0) | Year ID associated with a given value AREA_ID. This field describes the changes in the survey design over time. |
STRATUM | Stratum ID | ID key code | NUMBER(10,0) | RACE database statistical area for analyzing data. Strata were designed using bathymetry and other geographic and habitat-related elements. The strata are unique to each survey region. Stratum of value 0 indicates experimental tows. |
Mirror of GAP_PRODUCTS.SURVEY_DESIGN. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.
Number of rows: 87
Number of columns: 3
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID | Survey ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The survey definition ID key code is an integer that uniquely identifies a survey region/survey design. The column survey_definition_id is associated with the srvy and survey columns. Full list of survey definition IDs are in RACE_DATA.SURVEY_DEFINITIONS and in the code books. |
YEAR | Survey year | year | NUMBER(10,0) | Year the observation (survey) was collected. |
DESIGN_YEAR | Design year | year | NUMBER(10,0) | Year ID associated with a given value AREA_ID. This field describes the changes in the survey design over time. |
Mirror of GAP_PRODUCTS.TAXONOMIC_CLASSIFICATION, subsetting for SURVEY_SPECIES = 1 includes taxonomic classification information accepted by the AFSC GAP bottom trawl survey. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.
Number of rows: 2,718
Number of columns: 19
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
SPECIES_NAME | Scientific name of species | text | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Scientific name of species. |
COMMON_NAME | Taxon common name | text | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | The common name of the marine organism associated with the scientific_name and species_code columns. For a complete species list, review the code books. |
SPECIES_CODE | Taxon code | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books. |
ID_RANK | Lowest taxonomic rank | text | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Lowest taxonomic rank of a given species entry. |
DATABASE_ID | Species ID in database | ID key code | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Species ID key code of a species in the taxonomic “DATABASE” source. |
DATABASE | Database source | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Taxonomic database source, either ITIS or WoRMS. |
GENUS_TAXON | Genus phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of genus of a given species. |
SUBFAMILY_TAXON | Subfamily phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of subfamily of a given species. |
FAMILY_TAXON | Family phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of family of a given species. |
SUPERFAMILY_TAXON | Superfamily phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of superfamily of a given species. |
SUBORDER_TAXON | Suborder phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of suborder of a given species. |
ORDER_TAXON | Order phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of order of a given species. |
SUPERORDER_TAXON | Superorder phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of superorder of a given species. |
SUBCLASS_TAXON | Subclass phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of subclass of a given species. |
CLASS_TAXON | Class phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of class of a given species. |
SUPERCLASS_TAXON | Superclass phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of superclass of a given species. |
SUBPHYLUM_TAXON | Subphylum phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of subphylum of a given species. |
PHYLUM_TAXON | Phylum phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of phylum of a given species. |
KINGDOM_TAXON | Kingdom phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of kingdom of a given species. |
Mirror of GAP_PRODUCTS.TAXON_GROUPS. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.
Number of rows: 2,777
Number of columns: 22
Column name from data | Descriptive column Name | Units | Oracle data type | Column description |
SPECIES_CODE | Taxon code | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books. |
SPECIES_NAME | Scientific name of species | text | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Scientific name of species. |
COMMON_NAME | Taxon common name | text | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | The common name of the marine organism associated with the scientific_name and species_code columns. For a complete species list, review the code books. |
ID_RANK | Lowest taxonomic rank | text | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Lowest taxonomic rank of a given species entry. |
DATABASE | Database source | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Taxonomic database source, either ITIS or WoRMS. |
DATABASE_ID | Species ID in database | ID key code | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Species ID key code of a species in the taxonomic “DATABASE” source. |
GENUS_TAXON | Genus phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of genus of a given species. |
SUBFAMILY_TAXON | Subfamily phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of subfamily of a given species. |
FAMILY_TAXON | Family phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of family of a given species. |
SUPERFAMILY_TAXON | Superfamily phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of superfamily of a given species. |
INFRAORDER_TAXON | Infraorder phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Infraorder phylogenetic rank. Phylogenetic latin rank of infraorder of a given speices. |
SUBORDER_TAXON | Suborder phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of suborder of a given species. |
ORDER_TAXON | Order phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of order of a given species. |
SUPERORDER_TAXON | Superorder phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of superorder of a given species. |
INFRACLASS_TAXON | Infraclass phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Infraclass phylogenetic rank. Phylogenetic latin rank of infraclass of a given speices. |
SUBCLASS_TAXON | Subclass phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of subclass of a given species. |
CLASS_TAXON | Class phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of class of a given species. |
SUPERCLASS_TAXON | Superclass phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of superclass of a given species. |
SUBPHYLUM_TAXON | Subphylum phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of subphylum of a given species. |
PHYLUM_TAXON | Phylum phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of phylum of a given species. |
KINGDOM_TAXON | Kingdom phylogenetic rank | category | VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) | Phylogenetic latin rank of kingdom of a given species. |
GROUP_CODE | Species or Complex ID | ID key code | NUMBER(38,0) | Equivalent to the SPECIES_CODE if the taxon is reported as a single taxon in GAP_PRODUCTS, otherwise denotes a SPECIES_CODE of a higher taxonomic group to which the taxon is aggregated in the GAP_PRODUCTS CPUE and BIOMASS tables. |