Contact us

Thank you for using our data guide!

This code is always in development. Find code used for various reports in the code releases.

This code is primarally maintained by:

Emily Markowitz (Emily.Markowitz AT; @EmilyMarkowitz-NOAA)

Zack Oyafuso (Zack.Oyafuso AT; @zoyafuso-NOAA)

Sarah Friedman (Sarah.Friedman AT; @SarahFriedman-NOAA)

Alaska Fisheries Science Center,

National Marine Fisheries Service,

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,

Seattle, WA 98195

General questions and more specific data requests can be sent to or submitted as an issue on our GitHub Organization. The version of this data used for stock assessments can be found through the Alaska Fisheries Information Network (AKFIN). For questions about the eastern Bering Sea surveys, contact Duane Stevenson (). For questions about the Gulf of Alaska or Aleutian Islands surveys, contact Ned Laman (). For questions specifically about crab data in any region, contact Mike Litzow (), the Shellfish Assessment Program lead.

For questions, comments, and concerns specifically about the Fisheries One Stop Shop (FOSS) platform, please contact us using the Comments page on the FOSS webpage.