Data description

Data tables


Stratum- and region-level age compositions by sex. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.

Number of rows: 680,094

Number of columns: 10

Column name from data Descriptive column Name Units Oracle data type Column description
SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID Survey ID ID key code NUMBER(38,0) The survey definition ID key code is an integer that uniquely identifies a survey region/survey design. The column survey_definition_id is associated with the srvy and survey columns. Full list of survey definition IDs are in RACE_DATA.SURVEY_DEFINITIONS and in the code books.
YEAR Survey year year NUMBER(10,0) Year the observation (survey) was collected.
AREA_ID Area ID ID key code NUMBER(38,0) Area ID key code for each statistical area used to produce production estimates (e.g., biomass, population, age comps, length comps). Each area ID is unique within each survey.
SPECIES_CODE Taxon code ID key code NUMBER(38,0) The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books.
SEX Sex of a specimen ID key code NUMBER(38,0) Sex of a specimen where “1” = “Male”, “2” = “Female”, “3” = Unsexed.
AGE Taxon age bin (yrs) integer NUMBER(38,0) Age bin of taxon. Age bin of a taxon in years estimated by the age comp estimate. Age -9 indicates unaged lengths for a particular sex because no otoliths were collected for that sex/length combination. Age -99 indicates a case where no lengths were collected within a stratum for a species/year even though catch numbers were recorded.
POPULATION_COUNT Estimated population numeric NUMBER(38,0) The estimated population caught in the survey for a species, group, or total for a given survey.
LENGTH_MM_MEAN Mean length at age weighted by numbers at length numeric NUMBER(38,3) Mean length (millimeters)
LENGTH_MM_SD Standard deviation of length at age weighted by numbers at length numeric NUMBER(38,3) Variance of mean length.
AREA_ID_FOOTPRINT Survey Footprint text VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) Survey footprint, usually equivalent to the SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID with the exception of the Standard and Standard +NW survey footprints in the Eastern Bering Sea shelf bottom trawl survey


Information related to the various strata, subareas, INPFC and NMFS management areas, and regions for the Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, and Bering Sea shelf and slope bottom trawl surveys. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.

Number of rows: 395

Number of columns: 9

Column name from data Descriptive column Name Units Oracle data type Column description
DESIGN_YEAR Design year year NUMBER(10,0) Year ID associated with a given value AREA_ID. This field describes the changes in the survey design over time.
SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID Survey ID ID key code NUMBER(38,0) The survey definition ID key code is an integer that uniquely identifies a survey region/survey design. The column survey_definition_id is associated with the srvy and survey columns. Full list of survey definition IDs are in RACE_DATA.SURVEY_DEFINITIONS and in the code books.
AREA_ID Area ID ID key code NUMBER(38,0) Area ID key code for each statistical area used to produce production estimates (e.g., biomass, population, age comps, length comps). Each area ID is unique within each survey.
AREA_TYPE Area ID type description category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) The type of stratum that AREA_ID represents. Types include: STRATUM (the smallest building-block unit of area in these surveys), REGION, DEPTH, SUBAREA, INPFC BY DEPTH, INPFC, SUBAREA BY DEPTH, REGULATORY AREA, NMFS STATISTICAL AREA.
AREA_NAME Area ID name text VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) Descriptive name of each AREA_ID. These names often identify the region, depth ranges, or other regional information for the area ID.
DESCRIPTION Description text VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE) Description of row observation.
AREA_KM2 Area (km2) kilometers squared NUMBER(38,3) Area in square kilometers.
DEPTH_MIN_M Area ID minimum depth (m) meters NUMBER(38,3) Minimum depth (meters).
DEPTH_MAX_M Area ID maximum depth (m) meters NUMBER(38,3) Maximum depth (meters).


Stratum/subarea/region-level mean CPUE (weight and numbers), total biomass, and total abundance with associated variances. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.

Number of rows: 2,656,482

Number of columns: 16

Column name from data Descriptive column Name Units Oracle data type Column description
SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID Survey ID ID key code NUMBER(38,0) The survey definition ID key code is an integer that uniquely identifies a survey region/survey design. The column survey_definition_id is associated with the srvy and survey columns. Full list of survey definition IDs are in RACE_DATA.SURVEY_DEFINITIONS and in the code books.
YEAR Survey year year NUMBER(10,0) Year the observation (survey) was collected.
SPECIES_CODE Taxon code ID key code NUMBER(38,0) The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books.
AREA_ID Area ID ID key code NUMBER(38,0) Area ID key code for each statistical area used to produce production estimates (e.g., biomass, population, age comps, length comps). Each area ID is unique within each survey.
CPUE_KGKM2_MEAN Mean weight CPUE kilograms per kilometers squared NUMBER(38,6) The mean catch weight (kilograms) per unit effort (area swept by the net, units squared kilometers).
CPUE_NOKM2_MEAN Mean numeric CPUE count per kilometers squared NUMBER(38,6) The mean of numerical catch per unit effort (area swept by the net, units square kilometers).
N_HAUL Valid hauls count NUMBER(38,0) Total number of hauls.
N_WEIGHT Hauls with catch count NUMBER(38,0) Total number of hauls with positive catch biomass.
N_COUNT Hauls with taxon counts numeric NUMBER(38,0) Total number of hauls with positive count data.
N_LENGTH Hauls with taxon lengths count NUMBER(38,0) Total number of hauls with length data.
BIOMASS_MT Estimated biomass numeric NUMBER(38,6) The estimated total biomass.
BIOMASS_VAR Estimated biomass variance numeric NUMBER(38,6) The estimated variance associated with the total biomass.
POPULATION_COUNT Estimated population numeric NUMBER(38,0) The estimated population caught in the survey for a species, group, or total for a given survey.
POPULATION_VAR Estimated population variance numeric NUMBER(38,6) The estimated population variance caught in the survey for a species, group, or total for a given survey.
CPUE_KGKM2_VAR Variance of the mean weight CPUE kilograms per kilometers squared NUMBER(38,6) The variance of mean catch weight (kilograms) per unit effort (area swept by the net, units squared kilometers).
CPUE_NOKM2_VAR Variance of the mean numeric CPUE count per kilometers squared NUMBER(38,6) The variance of mean numerical catch per unit effort (area swept by the net, units square kilometers).


Haul-level zero-filled weight and numerical catch-per-unit-effort. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.

Number of rows: 21,558,257

Number of columns: 7

Column name from data Descriptive column Name Units Oracle data type Column description
HAULJOIN Haul ID ID key code NUMBER(38,0) This is a unique numeric identifier assigned to each (vessel, cruise, and haul) combination.
SPECIES_CODE Taxon code ID key code NUMBER(38,0) The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books.
WEIGHT_KG Sample or taxon weight (kg) kilograms NUMBER(38,3) Weight (thousandths of a kilogram) of individuals in a haul by taxon.
COUNT Taxon count count, whole number resolution NUMBER(38,0) Total whole number of individuals caught in haul or samples collected.
AREA_SWEPT_KM2 Area swept (km) kilometers NUMBER(38,6) The area the net covered while the net was fishing (kilometers squared), defined as the distance fished times the net width.
CPUE_KGKM2 Weight CPUE (kg/km2) kilograms per kilometers squared NUMBER(38,6) Catch weight (kilograms) per unit effort (area swept by the net, units square kilometers).
CPUE_NOKM2 Number CPUE (no/km2) count per kilometers squared NUMBER(38,6) Numerical catch per unit effort (area swept by the net, units square kilometers).


Stratum/subarea/region-level size compositions by sex. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.

Number of rows: 3,239,488

Number of columns: 7

Column name from data Descriptive column Name Units Oracle data type Column description
SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID Survey ID ID key code NUMBER(38,0) The survey definition ID key code is an integer that uniquely identifies a survey region/survey design. The column survey_definition_id is associated with the srvy and survey columns. Full list of survey definition IDs are in RACE_DATA.SURVEY_DEFINITIONS and in the code books.
YEAR Survey year year NUMBER(10,0) Year the observation (survey) was collected.
AREA_ID Area ID ID key code NUMBER(38,0) Area ID key code for each statistical area used to produce production estimates (e.g., biomass, population, age comps, length comps). Each area ID is unique within each survey.
SPECIES_CODE Taxon code ID key code NUMBER(38,0) The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books.
LENGTH_MM Length of a specimen millimeters NUMBER(10,0) Length bin in millimeters. A length of -9 indicates cases where no lengths were collected within a stratum for a species/year, even though catch numbers were recorded.
SEX Sex of a specimen ID key code NUMBER(38,0) Sex of a specimen where “1” = “Male”, “2” = “Female”, “3” = Unsexed.
POPULATION_COUNT Estimated population numeric NUMBER(38,0) The estimated population caught in the survey for a species, group, or total for a given survey.


This is a table

Number of rows: 18

Number of columns: 2

Column name from data Descriptive column Name Units Oracle data type Column description
SPECIES_CODE Taxon code ID key code NUMBER(38,0) The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books.


Lookup table for which strata are contained within a given subarea, INPFC or NMFS management area, or region for the Aleutian Islands, Gulf of Alaska, and Bering Sea shelf and slope bottom trawl surveys. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.

Number of rows: 768

Number of columns: 4

Column name from data Descriptive column Name Units Oracle data type Column description
AREA_ID Area ID ID key code NUMBER(38,0) Area ID key code for each statistical area used to produce production estimates (e.g., biomass, population, age comps, length comps). Each area ID is unique within each survey.
SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID Survey ID ID key code NUMBER(38,0) The survey definition ID key code is an integer that uniquely identifies a survey region/survey design. The column survey_definition_id is associated with the srvy and survey columns. Full list of survey definition IDs are in RACE_DATA.SURVEY_DEFINITIONS and in the code books.
DESIGN_YEAR Design year year NUMBER(10,0) Year ID associated with a given value AREA_ID. This field describes the changes in the survey design over time.
STRATUM Stratum ID ID key code NUMBER(10,0) RACE database statistical area for analyzing data. Strata were designed using bathymetry and other geographic and habitat-related elements. The strata are unique to each survey region. Stratum of value 0 indicates experimental tows.


This table contains for a given survey (via SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID) and survey year (YEAR), which version (DESIGN_YEAR) of the AREA_IDs that were used to calculate the various standard data products. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 10 January 2025.

Number of rows: 87

Number of columns: 3

Column name from data Descriptive column Name Units Oracle data type Column description
SURVEY_DEFINITION_ID Survey ID ID key code NUMBER(38,0) The survey definition ID key code is an integer that uniquely identifies a survey region/survey design. The column survey_definition_id is associated with the srvy and survey columns. Full list of survey definition IDs are in RACE_DATA.SURVEY_DEFINITIONS and in the code books.
YEAR Survey year year NUMBER(10,0) Year the observation (survey) was collected.
DESIGN_YEAR Design year year NUMBER(10,0) Year ID associated with a given value AREA_ID. This field describes the changes in the survey design over time.


GAP_PRODUCTS.TAXONOMIC_CLASSIFICATION subsetted for taxonomic classifications accepted by the GAP bottom trawl survey and added GROUP_CODE to denote taxonomic aggregations. This table was created by the Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Division (RACE) Groundfish Assessment Program (GAP) of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC). The GitHub repository for the scripts that created this code can be found at ( There are no legal restrictions on access to the data. Last updated on 25 October 2024.

Number of rows: 2,777

Number of columns: 22

Column name from data Descriptive column Name Units Oracle data type Column description
SPECIES_CODE Taxon code ID key code NUMBER(38,0) The species code of the organism associated with the common_name and scientific_name columns. For a complete species list, review the code books.
SPECIES_NAME Scientific name of species text VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Scientific name of species.
COMMON_NAME Taxon common name text VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) The common name of the marine organism associated with the scientific_name and species_code columns. For a complete species list, review the code books.
ID_RANK Lowest taxonomic rank text VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Lowest taxonomic rank of a given species entry.
DATABASE Database source category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Taxonomic database source, either ITIS or WoRMS.
DATABASE_ID Species ID in database ID key code VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Species ID key code of a species in the taxonomic “DATABASE” source.
GENUS_TAXON Genus phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Phylogenetic latin rank of genus of a given species.
SUBFAMILY_TAXON Subfamily phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Phylogenetic latin rank of subfamily of a given species.
FAMILY_TAXON Family phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Phylogenetic latin rank of family of a given species.
SUPERFAMILY_TAXON Superfamily phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Phylogenetic latin rank of superfamily of a given species.
INFRAORDER_TAXON Infraorder phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Infraorder phylogenetic rank. Phylogenetic latin rank of infraorder of a given speices.
SUBORDER_TAXON Suborder phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Phylogenetic latin rank of suborder of a given species.
ORDER_TAXON Order phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Phylogenetic latin rank of order of a given species.
SUPERORDER_TAXON Superorder phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Phylogenetic latin rank of superorder of a given species.
INFRACLASS_TAXON Infraclass phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Infraclass phylogenetic rank. Phylogenetic latin rank of infraclass of a given speices.
SUBCLASS_TAXON Subclass phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Phylogenetic latin rank of subclass of a given species.
CLASS_TAXON Class phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Phylogenetic latin rank of class of a given species.
SUPERCLASS_TAXON Superclass phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Phylogenetic latin rank of superclass of a given species.
SUBPHYLUM_TAXON Subphylum phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Phylogenetic latin rank of subphylum of a given species.
PHYLUM_TAXON Phylum phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Phylogenetic latin rank of phylum of a given species.
KINGDOM_TAXON Kingdom phylogenetic rank category VARCHAR2(255 BYTE) Phylogenetic latin rank of kingdom of a given species.
GROUP_CODE Species or Complex ID ID key code NUMBER(38,0) Equivalent to the SPECIES_CODE if the taxon is reported as a single taxon in GAP_PRODUCTS, otherwise denotes a SPECIES_CODE of a higher taxonomic group to which the taxon is aggregated in the GAP_PRODUCTS CPUE and BIOMASS tables.