
FPC and Deck Lead


Food Habitat (Stomachs)

     AI/GOA Stomach Scans
     BS Stomach Collections
     Stomach App Resources
     Stomach collection training powerpoint

On-deck Species (Polycoder) Codes

     BS Polycoder Codes Poster
     GOA/AI Polycoder Codes Poster
     Polycorder Code List (Alphabetical)
     Polycorder Code List (Complete – Alphabetical and Numerical)
     Polycorder Code List (Numerical)


     AI Age Structure Collections Deck Poster
     EBS Age Structure Collections Deck Poster
     Glycerol/Thymol recipe
     Otolith Label Maker
     Shipping pollock otoliths


     Voucher Collection and Preservation Procedures


     SBEDownloader How-to Guide

CTD SBE19plus

     CTD Settings and Troubleshooting
     Setting SOP
     Storage and Post-Processing
     User Manual

ES60 data collection

     Forms: ES60 Forms
     Technical Guides: EBS/NBS ES60 Protocols
     Technical Guides: ES60 Replacing hard drive
     Technical Guides: ES60 ES70 lockup issue
     Technical Guides: ES60 Skipper cheat sheet
     Technical Guides: Vessel photos & pictures to assist with calibration

Light meter

     Light meter instructions

Special Projects

All Surveys

     McDermott’s Cod Tagging Protocol
     Tribuzio Sleeper Shark Sampling Data Sheet
     Tribuzio Sleeper Shark Sampling Procedure


     DeFilippo’s Slope Tows Resources
     Hoff’s Cod and Pollock Condition Data
     IPHC Sampling Manual
     Rohan’s CTD pH/DO sensor calibration protocol
     SAP Bering Sea Special Project Matrix Deck Poster


     Special Projects Alaska Knight Deck Poster
     Special Projects Northwest Explorer Deck Poster


     Special Projects (Summary Table) Descriptions and Protocols
     Special Projects Descriptions and Protocols
     Special Projects [AKP] Deck Poster
     Special Projects [OEX] Deck Poster

Corrections: If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository or

reach out to Sarah Friedman (Sarah.Friedman AT