Tasklist 3 - End of Survey

General cleaning and packing

Task FPC Deck Lead Safety Lead
  1. Checklist for bundling and stacking a net
  1. Any equipment being kept in Dutch Harbor for another cruise should be inventoried and the inventory list brought back to Seattle
  1. Contact shipping company to pick up loaded container(s) for southbound voyage. GBL(s) will be with RSST or Elaina Jorgensen. Vessel should also have digital PDF copy of GBL.
  1. ES60 Calibration (end of last leg)
  1. Give captain ES60 Pre-cruise settings sheet
  1. Collect all boots and rain gear loaned to interns and others as they depart the vessel
  1. Review and follow RSST Checklist to End-of-Survey Cleaning
  1. Freshwater rinse all metal tools and parts (bolts, washers, nuts etc.) that have been on deck and exposed to saltwater.
  1. For completed otolith trays:
  • Make sure caps are tightened and trays are scrubbed with dilute bleach solution and subsequently dried
  • Pollock otoliths packaged and shipped after each leg (EBS SHELF only)
  • X
    1. Scrub and pressure-wash deck tables, baskets, and white totes
    1. Clean and dry on-deck ID guides
    1. Electronic scales: clean and scrub, rinse with fresh water, dry, and pack
    1. Ethanol and formalin buckets capped with uncut lids and buckets properly labeled
    1. Frozen specimens put in freezer boxes, properly labeled and sealed with tape and shipped
    1. Preserved specimens in buckets: Take properly sealed and labeled stomach buckets to Coastal Transportation for shipment.
    1. Record the quantity of packages associated with each project and email or deliver that information to the Special Projects Coordinator
    1. Remaining ethanol and formalin properly stored and labeled
    1. Chemical storage cleaned and rinsed thoroughly and chemicals returned
    1. Review and follow RSST Checklist to End-of-Survey Packing
    1. Empty the eyewash bottles as one of your last items; ship them home empty.
    1. Office supplies packed in gray boxes
    X X
    1. Office and bridge computers and printers disassembled and packed in proper boxes
    X X
    1. All tools cleaned and replaced in their proper case and location
    X X
    1. All items removed from the bridge/house including antennas, signs, wiring, etc. (leave MR350 GPS pucks mounted on vessel)
    1. Collect, turn off, and pack light meters (top of wheelhouse and net light meter)
    1. RACE survival suits, PFD’s and hard hats removed from vessel and OSI storage room and placed in the 40’ container
    X X X
    1. Net mensuration gear cleaned, disassembled and packed in cases
    X X
    1. Pack only RSST items in RSST tote
    X X
    1. Open up and ensure contents of ES60 calibration kits are dry prior to transport down to Seattle
    1. Stuff all used bedding and pillows in trash bags labeled USED. Pack all used bedding and pillows from previous legs into van
    X X X
    1. Clean and vacuum state rooms and remove trash (each leg!)
    X X X

    Data Administration

    Task FPC Deck Lead Safety Lead
    1. Email completed Fishing Gear Field Report to Shawn Russell ()
    1. Provide Fuel PO # and sign and obtain copy of fuel receipt if fuel taken
    1. Copy of fuel receipt and fuel purchase form to RACE Directorate
    1. (end of last leg ask engineer for remaining fuel report (tank soundings)
    1. WHEELHOUSE/CALYPSO computer - Use DB_Utilities to make 7zip file (remaining or fixed hauls) and SFTP to Seattle DB
    1. Deck Lead or designee does line-by-line edit of catch data for each leg
    1. Deck Lead or designee obtain electronic table of crab weights and numbers from Crab Lead and reconcile with those in METIS
    1. Deck Lead or designee obtain electronic table of Halibut catch numbers and lengths by haul from IPHC Biologist and reconcile with those in METIS
    1. Get light sensors from trawl net and top of wheelhouse and download data from them
    1. HAND CARRY Thumbdrive and/or hard copies back to Seattle (FPC, Deck Boss, or designee)
  • Leg data sheets (HAULFORM, Wheelhouse Haul Rept, METIS Catch and Length Reports (mandatory), ES60 LOG SHEETS) and hand carry to Seattle
  • WHEELHOUSE/CALYPSO computer - Make copies of all BTD, BTH, BC2, and MARP files
  • WHEELHOUSE/CALYPSO computer - Use DB_Utilities to back-up WHEELHOUSE DB
  • WHEELHOUSE/CALYPSO computer - Make copy of DDMMYYYY*.DMP and exp_python.log files from C:/oracle_data_pump_files directory
  • MARPORT computer - Make copy of C/:Program Files/Marport Server/Logs directory (BVDR files)
  • CATCH computer - Make copy of METIS data program in C:/data directory
  • CATCH computer - Add metadata to photos and make copies of Portfolio DB and Photos from leg directory (C:/Data/Photos)
  • CATCH computer - copy Length and Specimen App CSV files from bluetooth directory (C:/Users/NOAADATA/Documents/Bluetooth/inbox)
  • GLOBE computer - Make copy of Globe track data files (C:/Globe/Tracks/)
  • GLOBE computer - Make copy of Globe log data files (C:/Globe/Log/2024/*.glg)
  • LAST LEG FPC: Remove GLOBE dongle, place in envelope WITH INSTALLATION SOFTWARE, hand-carry back to Seattle, and return directly to group supervisor
  • CTD Computer - Make copy of CTD data files
  • ES60 computer - take back-up and regular hard drives back to Seattle (also take POWER SUPPLIES and USB connectors for hard drives at end of survey)
  • X X
    1. Completed forms from FPC filebox
    1. All injuries (ergonomic or other) and near misses should be submitted to the AFSC Incident Report Form

    Corrections: If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository or

    reach out to Sarah Friedman (Sarah.Friedman AT noaa.gov).