FPC Resources

FPC and Deck Lead

     Chief Scientist & Deck Lead Manual v. 2007
     Daily Temperature Entry Instructions
     FPC talking points
     OSI (Purchase Order) PO & Job Services
     OSI Services task log
     Pushbutton Guide to Running Wheelhouse and Calypso During Bering Sea Surveys followed by Quick Reference Guide for Running Marport, Wheelhouse, and Calypso
     SFTP Instructions


     Haul Forms
     Standard Trawling Procedures Form

Scope tables

     EBS scope table
     GOA/AI scope table
     NBS scope table
     Scope vs. RAPP counts

Station Progression (AI/GOA)

     Station Progression Worksheet (AKP)
     Station Progression Worksheet (OEX)

Beaufort Scale

     Beaufort Scale Description Table

Between Legs

     Fuel Purchase Form
     GOA Fuel details (Seacard Vendors in Alaska)
     Inter-leg Communication Log
     Other Purchase Forms

Bridge Set-Up

     Diagram of Bridge Computer Setup


     ES60 - all things


     GPS MR-350 and other GPS related resources


     Olex and OpenCPN


     MARPORT Directory
     MARPORT Quick Reference Guide
     Screenshot of Marport settings: Command View - MBAR Control Panel
     Screenshot of Marport settings: Command View - Net Mensuration
     Screenshot of Marport settings: Marport Commander - NMEA output


     Scanmar hydrophone photos OEX


     Time Sync Software


     GPS “KickStart” (if GPS stream suddenly stops)
     How to Install Wheelhouse Updates
     Instructions for extracting GIDES data to insert into wheelhouse
     Surface Temperature Algorithm
     Wheelhouse DB Backup and Restore
     Wheelhouse File Formats
     Wheelhouse haul data file formats

Wheelhouse - SiRF Demo GPS Fix

     Changing Computer boot order.docx
     Changing boot order.docx
     SiRFDemo Guide
     Sirf demo fix instr.pdf

Wheelhouse and Calypso

     How to log a haul with Wheelhouse and Calypso
     Wheelhouse and Calypso Manual
     Wheelhouse and Calypso Training videos


CTD manuals

     All CTD resources
     Seabird Programs

Deck Gear

     Bottom contact sensor (BCS)

Gapsurvey R Package

     GAPsurvey R Package

Net Resources

     Net Repair
     Net Swapping Form
     Net repair and maintenance
     Net repair tracking forms

Calypso Software


Net Mensuration

     NM Directory

Corrections: If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository or

reach out to Sarah Friedman (Sarah.Friedman AT noaa.gov).