Tasklist 1 - Beginning of Survey or Leg


Task FPC Deck Lead Safety Lead
  1. Review inter-leg communication log prepared by FPC from previous leg (if applicable)
  1. Review inventory list:
  1. Provide Fuel PO# (purchase order number) and sign and obtain copy of fuel receipt if fuel taken
  1. Review at-sea Safety action plan
  1. Conduct pre-cruise Safety check
  1. Conduct survival suit inspection
  • Check survival suit inventory and assign a suitably-sized survival suit to each scientific staff
  • Check serial numbers for survival suits and 406MHz EPIRBS
  • Record personal survival suit and EPIRB identification numbers on the Safety Briefing form
  • Email RACE Deputy Director that Safety Briefing was completed with list of serial numbers for survival suits and 406MHz EPIRBs
  • X
    1. Conduct pre-cruise Safety meeting with skipper, scientific staff, and crew in wheelhouse
  • Safety Briefing Form
  • FPC Orientation checklist
  • Watch Sexual Harassment Video
  • Discuss SASH prevention standards with scientific and vessel crew
  • X X X
    1. Check glycerol/thymol solution to make sure it is not floculent and has proper dilution and viscosity
    1. Survey map (indicating completed tows & those yet to be completed by vessel)
    1. Provide clean bedding for all new scientists
    X X X

    ES60 Calibration

    Task FPC Deck Lead Safety Lead
    1. Calibrate ES60
    1. Following the calibration of a vessels ES60 Simrad sounder the down riggers and appropriate associated gear should be rinsed with freshwater dried and stowed in a dry location. The clamps provided should be greased or at the very least, oiled to prevent corrosion and seizing of the screw mechanism.

    Software and Hardware

    Task FPC Deck Lead Safety Lead
    1. Install WHEELHOUSE updates (if necessary)
    1. Make sure new ES60 hard drive was installed for each new leg
    1. Set up bridge computers according to Marport and Wheelhouse cookbooks
    1. Provide skipper with most current version of Globe LINES files and put in their C:/Globe/lines/ directory
    1. Provide skipper with most current Globe MARKS files to copy to vessel C:/Globe/marks/ directory
  • EBS
  • NBS
  • X
    1. Set Globe program on bridge TO RECORD LOG AND TRACK data
    1. If using Olex, provide skipper with these files
    1. If using TimeZero, provide skipper with these files
    1. Make sure there are back up media, e.g., thumb drives, for daily backup of bridge and catch computer
    X X
    1. Confirm that all scales, tablets, and computers are working before leaving the dock

    Trawl net

    Task FPC Deck Lead Safety Lead
    1. Refer to net swapping procedure to randomly determine the sequential order of net usage and record on the Net Swapping Log Form.
    1. Configure attachment of net jewelry (see attached picture)
    X X
    1. Begin new Fishing Gear Field Report, which should be passed to subsequent FPCs to continue filling in, and then emailed to Shawn Russell () at the end of the survey
    1. Initialize MK9 light meters and secure one on top of wheelhouse and the other for use on trawl headrope
    X X
    1. Mark trawl wires - step-by-step wire marking protocol
  • Check that you have sufficient wire marking paint in your inventory
  • Mark trawl wires - step-by-step wire marking protocol
  • Wire marking photos (AI/GOA)
  • X X
    1. Conduct practice trawl and fill out Standard Trawing Procedures form


    Task FPC Deck Lead Safety Lead
    1. Provide gloves required by scientific crew
    X X X
    1. Set up catch, length, stomach, and specimen tablets (back up Paper Forms available)
    1. Set up otolith and specimen supplies (ethanol, glycerol, otolith trays and vials/caps, tweezers, knives, formalin, buckets, specimen labels, plastic bags)
    1. Stuff otolith vials with labels (otolithlabels.xls)
    1. Add polycorder mount and length strip to length boards
    1. Check that you have bleach in your inventory for cleaning otolith trays
    1. Check to see if there is a meter stick for measuring trawl alley catches
    1. Check content’s of your vessel’s bottom contact sensor (BCS) tool box on arrival or before Start of Leg. Turning the BCS tool box over to the vessel’s deck crew does not release you from responsibility for the condition of its contents

    Corrections: If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository or

    reach out to Sarah Friedman (Sarah.Friedman AT noaa.gov).