Species Identification Guides


Taxa Reference
Algae Algae

Birds and Mammals

Taxa Reference
Bird Alaska Seabird Guide
Albatross ID Guide
ESA-listed AK Bird ID
Spectacled Eider Factsheet
Stellers Eider Factsheet
Mammal Marine mammals of Alaska Arctic
North Pacific Right Whale Guide

Fishes — ID by Taxa

Taxa Reference
AK Fishes Deck Guide
FMA Species ID guide
AK fish distributions (Love et al. 2021)
Biodiversity of Arctic Marine Fishes (Mecklenburg et al. 2011)
Chukchi 2012 Fish ID
EBS 2012 Fish ID
Ichthyofaul Baselines in Pacific Arctic Region (Mecklenburg 2015)
Pacific Arctic Marine Fishes (Mecklenburg et al. 2016)
Skates, Sculpins, Smelts AK Field Guide
Species ID Confidence AI/GOA
Species ID Confidence EBS
Species ID Confidence EBS slope
Gadidae Gadid Guide
Liparidae Snailfish guide
Myctophidae Alaska Lanternfishes
Pleuronectidae Flatfish Key
Rajiidae Bathyraja panthera (Orr et al. 2011)
Poster: Skates of AK
Skate Eggcase Key
Salmonidae Salmon Guide 2010
Sebastidae FMA Rockfish Guide
Poster: Rockfishes of AK
Rockfish guide
Rougheye Blackspotted Deck
Squalidae Squalus suckleyi resurrect (Ebert et al. 2010)
Zoarcidae Poster: Eelpouts of AK


Taxa Reference
AK Marine Invertebrates Deck Guide
Alaska Invertebrate Checklist (Drumm et al 2016)
Illustrated Keys pelagic inverts vol1
Illustrated Keys pelagic inverts vol2
Arthropod AK Benthic Marine Invertebrates vol3 (arthropods)
ANATOMY: Pycnogonid
Chionecetes crabs guide
Cirripedia (Barnacles)
Crustacea Training Presentation
Crustacean genera key
Hermit crab ID guide
Hermits and Pinch Bugs
Lithodid crabs field techniques
Mysids (Cumacea)
Poster: Shrimps of Alaska
Shrimp guide (part 1)
Shrimp guide (part 2)
Cnidaria AK Benthic Marine Invertebrates vol1 (sponges, cnidarians)
AK Coral guide
ANATOMY: Jellyfish
Coral field guide (Wilborn et al 2021)
Coral guide Stone et al. 2023
Jellyfish Placard
Sea Anemones
Sea Pens
Echinoderm AK Benthic Marine Invertebrates vol4 (echinoderms)
ANATOMY: Crinoid
ANATOMY: Sea star
Asteroidea Sea Stars
Brittle Stars
Crinoidea Sea Lilies
Poster: Seastars of AK 1
Poster: Seastars of AK 2
Poster: Seastars of AK 3
Sand Dollars
Sea Urchins
Sea cucumbers
Mollusc AK Benthic Marine Invertebrates vol2 (molluscs)
ANATOMY: Bivalve
ANATOMY: Cephalopod
Bivalvia (Clams, Mussels, and Scallops)
Cephalopod Guide (Jorgensen 2013)
Ecology of snails (Genus Neptunea)
Mollusca Training Presentation
Octopus sexing
Polyplacophora (Chitons)
Poster: Chitons of AK
Snails and Limpets
Sponge Deepwater Sponges of AI
Sponge Morphotypes
Sponge powerpoint
Sponges guide
Worm Hobson Benthic Errantiate Polychaetes
Polychaeta of the Far Eastern Seas (subclass Errantiate)
Polychaeta of the Far Eastern Seas (subclass Sedentariate)
Polychaetes of BC (Baldwin 2009)

Corrections: If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository or

reach out to Sarah Friedman (Sarah.Friedman AT noaa.gov).