Protected Species

FPC and Deck Lead

     Beach Found or Trawl Caught Mammal Parts
     Protected Species Permits

Critical Habitats

     Beluga critical habitat
     North Pacific Right Whale critical habitat
     Sea Lion rookeries
     Sea Otter factsheet
     Sea Otter range
     Spectacled Eider critical habitat
     Stellers Eider critical habitat
     Stellers Sean Lion critical habitat

Protected Species Mitigation Measures

     Protected Species Mitigation Kit


     Marine mammal sighting form (page 1)
     Marine mammal sighting form (page 2)
     Monitoring log
     Protected species encounter form
     Protected species handling form
     Protected species incident form
     USFWS ESA Bird Encounter Form
     Watch log


     Compliance cheat sheet
     Marine Mammal Data Collection
     Marine Mammal Parts Sampling
     Marine Mammal Tissue Sampling
     Mitigation Measures Manual
     Mitigation measures quick view
     Mitigation measures training
     SSL NTZ Conflict Instructions
     Wheelhouse and Calypso videos

Corrections: If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository or

reach out to Sarah Friedman (Sarah.Friedman AT