Threaded Sculpin

Gymnocanthus pistilliger

Dorsally brown reticulated without distinct saddles; interorbital narrow <10% of head length (interorbital width about half distance of snout length); plates on head highly variable from completely absent to numerous extending from posterior orbit ending before 1st dorsal spine, if plates extend interorbitally they never extend onto orbit rims or rarely as far anterior as nasal spines; two rows of 3-4 prominent knobs on head and nape; cleitheral spine emergent short and sharp; Males distinct from females by having long pelvic fins with ray tips free reaching to anus and beyond, high sail like dorsal fin with white spots, bright white spots on belly, distinctive pistillae under pectoral fins (small white paddle like structures); anal fin rays 15-17

Occurence: Arctic to SE Alaska; Japan

Depth: 0-325 meters    Size: 33 cm

Species code: 21314

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