Second Anal Spine Longer Than Third |
Cheek Spines Present |
Anal Fin With Strong Anterior Slant |
Sebastes aleutianus Rougheye Rockfish |
Sebastes alutus Pacific Ocean Perch |
Sebastes borealis Shortraker Rockfish |
Sebastes crameri Darkblotched Rockfish |
Sebastes diploproa Splitnose Rockfish |
Sebastes goodei Chilipepper |
Sebastes jordani Shortbelly Rockfish |
Sebastes levis Cowcod |
Sebastes macdonaldi Mexican Rockfish |
Sebastes melanostictus Blackspotted Rockfish |
Sebastes melanostomus Blackgill Rockfish |
Sebastes paucispinis Bocaccio |
Sebastes phillipsi Chameleon Rockfish |
Sebastes proriger Redstripe Rockfish |
Sebastes rastrelliger Grass Rockfish |
Sebastes reedi Yellowmouth Rockfish |
Sebastes ruberrimus Yelloweye Rockfish |
Corrections: If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository or
reach out to Liz Dawson (Liz.Dawson AT